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China Gift Pack Company is a professional manufacturer of such packaging decorations as ribbons, ribbon bows, tassels, pouches, bags, elastics, twisted cords and lanyards. Our products are as follows: 1) Ribbon bows, curly bows, polypro rosettes, polypropylene rosettes, ribbon rosettes, pull bows, star bows, stretch bows, prismatic bow flakes 2) Pouches, velvet pouches, jewelry pouches 3) Bags, cotton bags, satin bags, mesh bags, common sheer bags 4) Tassels, chainettes, 1/1 cords, 2/4 cords, 6/8 cords, 5/5 cords, 4/2 cords, 7/2 cords, 6/9 cords, 6/9/3 cords, 8/15 cords, 15/3 cords, 20/3 cords, twisted cords, China knots 5) Elastics, decorative elastics, sparkle elastics, shiny metallic elastics 6) Stretch loops, stretch loops with pre-tied bows 7) Pet ornaments, dog collars 8) Lanyards We now have mainly four assemblies as follows: 1) Assemblies with wire stitch: twisted cord loop with wire stitch, elastic loop with wire stitch 2) Assemblies with balls: elastic loop with ball, twisted cord loop with ball, ribbon loop with ball, elastic with ball each end, twisted cord with ball each end 3) Assemblies with barbs: natural cord with pointed barbs at each, twisted cord with barb one end and knot other end, ribbon loop with barb, twisted cord loop with barb, elastic loop with barb 4) Assemblies with clasps: elastic U-pin circle, elastic figure eight with clasp 5) Assemblies with knots: knotted loop, elastic; twisted cord, knot each end; elastic, knot one end If you are interested in any of our products, please feel free to contact us directly for more details. We welcome both domestic and overseas clients to establish cooperative relationships with us. We are looking forward to receiving your inquiries.
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